SAVE THE DATE - 2025 Canadian National Pistol Championships / Championnat canadien de pistolet 2025
Cookstown - Innisfil, Ontario
August 15 to 21, 2025 (Air events 17-21)
15 au 21 août 2024
Shooting Facilities
The Pan American Range features 30 covered positions at 50 meters, equipped with Megalink Electronic target systems. Additionally, the Air Range offers 50 positions, also utilizing Megalink Electronic systems. The facility is designed to be wheelchair accessible, and parking is abundant. Major hotels and motels are conveniently located about a 20-minute drive from the range.
Link to TENTATIVE PROGRAM found on Calendar - Subject to Change
50 Meter ISSF Events: Shot on Megalink Electronic targets.
25 Meter ISSF Events: Shot on Megalink Electronic targets.
10 Meter Air pistol Event: Shot on Megalink Electronic targets.
Individual Events
25 m Pistol Women: (60 competition shot. Each competitor will fire two complete matches over two days)
25 m Rapid Fire Men (two halves of 30 shots per half course. Two complete courses over two days)*
10 m Pistol (Air Pistol) (60 competition shot match for both men and women. Each competitor will fire two complete matches:)
50 m Pistol (Fired on the 50 m range. 60 shots in 1.5 hour time limit)
25 m Standard Pistol (60 competition shots)
25 m Centre Fire Pistol (60 competition shots divided into 30 precision and 30 rapid fire)
CISM Military Rapid Fire (CISM rules)
* Note: For 25 M Rapid: You must have documented prior experience in this discipline. You are not allowed to enter if you have not competed in this event before. Choose Military Rapid or Standard Pistol instead.
Competitor Information
Participation in these Championships is open. However, only Canadian citizens or permanent residents in the process of obtaining Canadian citizenship are eligible to be named the “Canadian Champion” in any event. Proof of citizenship may be required for those registrants for the National Team. Non-Canadians will be eligible for “High Visitor” awards only. All competitors without an SFC verified classification, will shoot only for Match Winner or “High Visitor”, as the case may be.
Only Canadian citizens or permanent residents in the process of obtaining Canadian citizenship are eligible to shoot finals in the appropriate events.
Each competitor will be asked to sign a Freedom of Information release which will allow the competitor’s name to be published with the results sheets.
ALL competitors in the 25m Pistol, 25 m Rapid Fire Pistol and 10m pistol events will fire TWICE over the course, except for disabled or supported competitors.